2017 - 2018 TEAM MEMBERS
- Kent Waite of Gotta Wanna Expeditions
- Husky Homestead: www.huskyhomestead.com
- Katherine Joy Photography: www.katherinejoyphotography.com
- BUFF, Inc - www.buffusa.com
- Pat & Jim Updegraff
- Brent Howell & Linda Pope
- Mike and Carol Fritz
- Micheal Machuzak
- Cindy and Bob Camilli
BACON-TRIBUTORS (entry-fee supporters)
- Steve, Wendy & Vinnie Cicatello & Bri Plecha
- Sandy Cicatello
- Judy Kuehne
- Judy Gilligan
- Otto and Cindy Kuehne
- Randy Bogdan
- Morrocco Family & Kaze
- Rose, Jessica, Valerie, & Gregory Kuehne
- Gina & Miranda Dibble
- Julia DeGuehery & Phil Pinezone
- Sue House
- Joe & Shannon Andriatch
- Renee Marsolais
- Karen & Al Miliotto
- Emily Bieniek
- Lori Cairnduff
BUY A MILE SPONSORS (see Buy A Mile page)
CHECKPOINT SPONSORS (see Checkpoint Sponsorship page)
DOG SPONSORS (see Dog Sponsorship page)
- Pam Aviza
- Katherine and Elisha
- Jeff & Jeana Spindle
- Emily Myhre
- Pam & Rusty Burlingame
- Laura Cole & 229: http://229parks.com/
- Alpine Creek Lodge on the Denali Highway - http://alpinecreeklodge.com/
- Laurie Swales Parker
- Terry Legg & Susan Green
- Tracie Stalker
- Rebecca, Dick and Alicia Soverns
- Ann Newman
- Geri Shangin & family
- Diane Jackson
- Vicki Ratchye and Jen Rinaldi
- Val and Kurt Jokela
- Janet Johnson & family
- Roger and Myra Phillips
- Julie, Sean and Sierra
- Leslie & Dan
- Glen and Judith Meidinger
- Underdog feeds: http://www.underdogfeeds.com/ (where we buy food & other supplies)
- Apocalypse Design: http://akgear.com/ (parkas, red fuzzy coat and bibs)
- Mountain Ridge: http://www.mtnridge.com/ (where we buy gangline & harnesses)
- Kipmik: http://www.kipmikproducts.com/ (booties, wind jackets)
- Sled Dog Systems: http://www.sleddogsystems.com/
- Gatt Sleds: http://www.gattsled.com/
- Dogbooties.com: https://dogbooties.com/ (where I bought dog jackets and leggings)
- Coldspot Feeds: http://www.coldspotfeeds.com/ (where we buy mushing supplies)
- Hartley Motors (Honda repairs): https://hartleymotorsinc.com/